The School of Aerospace, Mechanical, & Mechatronic Engineering at The University of Sydney has a useful set of course notes, ‘Aerodynamics for Students’; see especially ‘Part 3: Aerodynamics’.
The book Theory of Wing Sections by I. H. Abbott & A. E. von Doenhoff (Dover 1959, ISBN 0486605868) is highly recommended, both as a summary of the aerodynamics of wings and as a source of data on the NACA aerofoils. There are several copies in the University of Sydney Engineering Library, and the book is still in print and can be ordered from the publisher, or you can try to find it at
As the source of data on the NACA aerofoils, it incorporates an earlier technical report
which is now in the public domain. It's
available from
but at 20M, the PDF is a large download.
Other classic NACA & NASA Reports on wing aerodynamics include:
See also the NASA Technical Report Server for other work.
Other books include:
The spreadsheet can also be used to approximate the thin aerofoil theoretic zero-lift incidence α0 and quarter-chord pitching moment coefficient Cmc/4 (screenshot).
Compiling XFOIL on Debian GNU/Linux: I found that I had to make the following changes to the configuration files.
, I had to comment
out the lines
FC = g77-3and
CC = gcc3
, I changed the
line PLTLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lblasto
PLTLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lblas-3
FC = ifort
.a vortex-lattice program with flexible wake
Stream-lines for the ideal flow over and around a wedge of angle βπ,
using the mapping z=ζκ with κ= 2/(2-β) for over and κ = 1/(2-β) for around and complex potential φ+iψ=z=ζκ in each case can be generated with Octave; for example, the code for the latter is
beta = 1/6; x = -2:0.1:2; y = 0:0.1:2; [X, Y] = meshgrid (x, y); z = transpose (X + 1i * Y); # put z stream-lines in columns theta = mod (arg (z), 2*pi); # cut along +ve, not -ve, real axis r = abs (z); kappa = 1 / (2 - beta); zeta = (r .^ (1/kappa)) .* exp (1i*theta/kappa); axis ("image"); axis ([-2, 2, -2, 2]); legend ("off"); plot (real (zeta), imag (zeta)) print ("-dpng", "wedge_around.png")